Arcoplus 547

Le Groupe Spécialisé N° Constructions, façades et cloisons légères de la. Le présent document, auquel est . POSE EXCLUSIVE EN BARDAGE avec inclinaison maximum de. Color, Light transmission (LT) , Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), Shading . The above parts are typical when installing the arcoPlus 5panels.

In addition to what is shown above, . Tutti i sistemi indicati . Vink Modular Polycarbonate Systems- ArcoPlus 547. Pannello modulare di policarbonato protetto ai raggi. UV progettato per la realizzazione di finestrature verticali, rivestimenti di facciate e coperture. Panneau modulaire en polycarbonate protégé aux rayons.

Contactez directement le fabricant pour obtenir un devis et connaître les points de vente. Modulsystem aus UV- geschütztem Hohlkammer-Policarbonat.

Anwendung: geeignet für Fassaden und durchsichtige Bedachungen. Sistema modular de policarbonato celular con protección U. With its tongue and groove connection, the panel can be installed without the use of metal reinforcement frames ensuring watertight seal. For installations exceeding 2. Katadirmek için tıklayınız. Firmamız İtalyan GALLINA SRL şirketinin Türkiye, Ortadoğu ve Türk Cumhuriyetleriʹne hizmet vermek üzere kurulmuş kardeş kuruluşudur.

Système modulaire en polycarbonate protégé des UV pour vitrages et applications de toitures. All the systems can be used for roofing applications with a minimum slope of. Panel Arası Polikarbonat . ARCOPLUS 5: Panneaux modulaires emboîtables.

Gallina has been manufacturing and extruding polycarbonate and plastic profiles , sheets and building panels for over years. CUBIERTAS Y CERRAMIENTOS. Descripción breve: Descripción completa.

Smart Inspiration Colored Polycarbonate Sheets Gallina USA ArcoPlus 5, colored polycarbonate resin sheets, colored polycarbonate sheets, laminated colored polycarbonate sheets. SISTEMAS DE TABIQUERIA INTERIOR.